Monday, September 19, 2011

Someone Needs a Hair Cut

Wow.... Someone was extra moody this morning. To keep my blog as private as possible, I would rather not out the identity of this particular someone...but for those of you that do know him, his name rymes with Shmm-ylan.

The minute his hair barely begins to cover his eyes, "Shmm-ylan" gets slightly... how do I say this... combative, which is probably an understatement. 

I get it... it is difficult to see... but you do not need to attack me the minute I wake up because your vision is slightly blurred. 

I do, however, feel badly that I cannot get your cute locks cut as often as you would like with my demanding schedule. To calm your nerves, I will make an appointment this week for you to get your hair done. You will be a "beaut" again soon enough!

P.S. "Shmm-ylan's" sudden attitude also could have been the result of me dressing him in this sweet corduroy jacket:
Apples and oranges people. Apples and oranges.


  1. OMG Dying at the pics! hahahha he looks fake.

  2. I know! He is not a very happy camper right now. He also has put on a little weight. That usually bums him out too.

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics!!! He looks soo handsome in his winter coat!


Thank you for your comment! Dylan and I love to hear what you think! Sincerely, Xtina